Best Time To Visit Petra

Best Time To Visit Petra: Ideal Months & Weather Tips

Discovering the Lost City: Petra, Jordan’s Hidden Gem

Carved into the stunning rose-red sandstone cliffs of Jordan, Petra, the ancient Nabatean city, has fascinated travelers for centuries. Known as the “Rose City” due to the unique color of its rock formations, Petra is an archaeological marvel and a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The city offers a mesmerizing journey through history, culture, and nature. To make the most of your adventure, it’s essential to know when to visit. In this blog post, we will unveil the best time to explore the majestic beauty of Petra. One Nation Travel specializes in offering tailor-made tour packages to Petra, with journeys starting from Amman.

The Ideal Season: Spring and Autumn

Springtime Splendor: March to May

Jordan Tours

Spring is undoubtedly one of the best times to visit Petra, as the weather is pleasantly warm, with daytime temperatures ranging from 18°C to 27°C (64°F to 80°F). During these months, the region experiences a vibrant bloom, with wildflowers and greenery adding color to the desert landscape. Additionally, this season offers comfortable hiking conditions for exploring Petra’s numerous trails and archaeological sites.

Autumn Allure: September to November

Great Temple Petra, Jordan

Like spring, autumn offers mild temperatures ranging from 20°C to 28°C (68°F to 82°F), making it an excellent time for sightseeing and hiking. The comfortable climate, coupled with fewer crowds than in spring, creates an enjoyable experience for visitors. In addition, the changing colors of the season add a unique beauty to the already breathtaking surroundings.

Avoiding the Extremes: Summer and Winter

Summer Heat: June to August

While Petra is open year-round, the summer months can be incredibly hot, with daytime temperatures soaring to 36°C (97°F) and above. The intense heat can make sightseeing and hiking physically challenging, and potentially dangerous for some visitors. It’s best to avoid traveling to Petra during this time, especially if you’re not accustomed to high temperatures.

Winter Chill: December to February

The winter months in Petra are characterized by colder temperatures, ranging from 4°C to 12°C (39°F to 54°F), along with occasional rain and snow. While the cooler climate may be a welcome change for some, the unpredictable weather can make exploring the site less enjoyable. Additionally, the shorter daylight hours leave less time for sightseeing, and some trails may be closed due to safety concerns.

Timing Your Visit: Festivals and Events

Petra by Night: A Magical Experience

For an unforgettable experience, consider timing your visit to coincide with Petra by Night. This enchanting event takes place every Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday evening, year-round. Visitors follow a candlelit path through the Siq, leading to the magnificent Treasury, where they can enjoy traditional Bedouin music and storytelling under a canopy of stars.

The Petra Desert Marathon: An Athletic Adventure

Held annually in September, the Petra Desert Marathon is a unique opportunity to combine your love for running with the exploration of this ancient city. The event features a full marathon, half-marathon, and 10K race, all of which take participants through the captivating landscapes of Petra and the surrounding desert.


In summary, the best time to visit Petra is during the spring and autumn months, when the weather is mild, and the natural beauty of the site is at its peak. Regardless of the time of year you choose, Petra is sure to leave you spellbound with its breathtaking landscapes and rich history. So pack your bags and embark on a journey to uncover the secrets of this enchanting lost city.

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